The Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA) is a Joint Centre with the combined effort of two institutions, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University of Cantabria (UC) oriented
to perform research on basic science: to understand the components of nature, from elementary particles (Particle Physics) to the largest structures of the Universe (Astronomy and Space Science) as well as the complex collective behaviour of matter (Statistical and Non-linear Physics).
Our centre has maintained a steadily grow in all its aspects since its creation in 1995,
reaching its current size of about 80 people, with about 29 staff researchers. It produces yearly more than 200 publications in the best journals in the respective fields and has nearly 20 active projects, obtaining external funding of about 2.0M/year, more than 80% of the total budget.
The Instituto de Física de Cantabria was created on June 8th, 1995 through a cooperation agreement signed by José María Mato de la Paz (chairman of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and Jaime Vinuesa Tejedor (Rector of the Universidad de Cantabria), being the first director of the center F. Xavier Barcons Jáuregui.
The main goal of the Instituto de Física de Cantabria is to promote high quality scientific research in the fields of Astrophysics and Structure of Matter.

The Centre is organised in the following six research lines: