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Particle Physics and Instrumentation

High Energy Physics and Instrumentation

The IFCA Particle Physics and Instrumentation (PP&I) group participates in world-class national and international research projects, covering a rich spectrum of research activities.

We seek to understand the fundamental question in Particle Physics and contribute to the R&D and development of scientific instruments employing the forefront technologies.

Members of the group participate in teaching at UC at all levels, and we also provide joint programs of masters with other IFCA research groups. Two interuniversity masters (UC and UIMP) are currently available.

The group is actively committed to education and outreach activities for the public promotion of particle physics, and fundamental research in general.

Since its foundation, back in the 80’s, the group has participated in the major experiments of the field. Members of the group were actively involved in the CERN LEP DELPHI experiment, with a strong participation in Physics analysis. In the 90’s we joined the CDF experiment at the FERMILAB and participated in a broad program of physics analysis as well as in the construction and operation of the Time of Flight detector, included in the upgrade program of CDF. A major share of the PP&I group activities today is focused on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)  experiment at CERN. 

In connection with the ongoing experimental effort there is also a small but active theory group. The two main research lines are:  Experimental Particle Physics and Instrumentation and Particle Physics Phenomenology.

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Group Projects

Theses from the Group:

  Since 2005

Group MembersÁLEZarteche@ifca.unican.es942206737011UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation216 Physics;Particle Physics Phenomenology230 BLANCOFERNÁNDEZmailto: sblanco@ifca.unican.esS124UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation179 ANDRÉS BROCHEROCIFUENTESmailto:brochero@ifca.unican.es942202807S101UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation152ÓNTAZÓNmailto:calderon@ifca.unican.es942206712S104UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation13 HEP and Instrumentation;Particle Physics134 duarte@ifca.unican.es942206737011CSICExperimental HEP and Instrumentation;Particle Physics113 FERNÁNDEZGARCÍAmailto:mfg@ifca.unican.es942201459UCExperimental HEP and Instrumentation;Particle Physics32 JAVIERGONZÁLEZSÁNCHEZmailto:gsanchez@ifca.unican.es942206711S120CSICParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation39ÓMEZ GRAMUGLIOmailto:gervasio@ifca.unican.es942206725S102CSICParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation38


Group Publications



  • Joint Centre with the combined effort of Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University of Cantabria (UC)

    Instituto de Física de Cantabria
    Edificio Juan Jordá
    Avenida de los Castros, s/n
    E-39005 Santander
    Cantabria, Spain

  • © IFCA- Institute of Physics of Cantabria