Dates available: first Friday of the month (January-June).
These conferences aim to bring the work of the research staff directly to primary, secondary and baccalaureate students. The main objective is to provide information on the lines of research carried out at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria through talks and by showing the facilities and laboratories where the scientific team carries out its work.
On the other hand, the aim is to awaken the scientific vocations of young people, who are thinking about choosing what to study in the future. As this may be the first contact of pre-university students with the University Campus, they can also be advised in their decision about their academic future.
In addition to showing the centre's facilities, academic information will be provided on the degrees and postgraduate courses offered by the institution, the employment opportunities for each degree course and the services and facilities of the campuses.
For all this, on the first Friday of each month we organise visits lasting an hour and a half in which groups of a maximum of 30 people will be able to discover the following proposed branches:
- Non-linear systems/Photonics
- Meteorology
- Cosmology
- Galaxies and AGNs
- Computation
- Particle Physics
Each morning we will receive two different groups and the areas to be visited at IFCA will depend on the availability and schedules of the research team in charge of the explanations. We will organise the groups in order of request, which will be made directly to this email: difusion@ifca.unican.es.
We hope you can visit us soon!