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Experimental HEP and Instrumentation


High Energy Physics and InstrumentationAt IFCA, while exploring the LHC's uncharted landscape, we are getting ready for the future, contributing to the upgrade activities of the LHC to push forward again the energy and intensity frontier. We are also currently engaged in the R&D phase towards a new experiment, an electron-positron collider able to reach the Teraelectronvolt energy scale. The clean experimental conditions of the electron-positron experiments allows the precise determination of many of properties the expected and unexpected new particles to-be-discovered at LHC. ​

Intrumentation wise the HEP group is participating in the high-luminosity upgrade of the Inner Tracker detector of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at LHC, recently the group has joint the MIP timing detector of this same experiment.

Group Projects


Group MembersÁLEZarteche@ifca.unican.es942206737011UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation216 BLANCOFERNÁNDEZmailto: sblanco@ifca.unican.esS124UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation179 ANDRÉS BROCHEROCIFUENTESmailto:brochero@ifca.unican.es942202807S101UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation152ÓNTAZÓNmailto:calderon@ifca.unican.es942206712S104UCParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation13 HEP and Instrumentation;Particle Physics134 duarte@ifca.unican.es942206737011CSICExperimental HEP and Instrumentation;Particle Physics113 FERNÁNDEZGARCÍAmailto:mfg@ifca.unican.es942201459UCExperimental HEP and Instrumentation;Particle Physics32 JAVIERGONZÁLEZSÁNCHEZmailto:gsanchez@ifca.unican.es942206711S120CSICParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation39ÓMEZ GRAMUGLIOmailto:gervasio@ifca.unican.es942206725S102CSICParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation38 WILLIAMJARAMILLOECHEVERRÍAmailto:jaramillo@ifca.unican.es942206711S120CSICParticle Physics;Experimental HEP and Instrumentation47

Group Publications





  • Joint Centre with the combined effort of Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University of Cantabria (UC)

    Instituto de Física de Cantabria
    Edificio Juan Jordá
    Avenida de los Castros, s/n
    E-39005 Santander
    Cantabria, Spain

  • © IFCA- Institute of Physics of Cantabria