European Researchers' Night is a project funded by the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development in which researchers from more than 200 European cities dedicate one night to the dissemination of science. This event is held every year across Europe on the
fourth Friday of September with a twofold objective: to bring the people who carry out research closer to the general public, and to bring them closer to each other, and secondly, to bring the relevance of research closer to society.
During the hours in which the night is held, the research work and technological development carried out by various research centres in the Cantabrian region is presented. The union of all the participating institutes and groups makes it possible to offer the population multiple and diverse activities, both entertaining and fun: scientific workshops, visits to laboratories, exhibitions, talks with researchers, etc.
The experiences programmed for this day go ahead thanks to the enormous effort of the representatives of the different associated institutes.
The main objectives of this activity are:
- To improve society's knowledge of researchers by showing part of their activity in public spaces.
- To strengthen the personal links of the researchers with each other, with the rest of the staff of each centre involved in the activities and with the general public who participate in the activities.
- To make society aware of the role that research plays in economic, social and cultural development, far from the stereotypes of an occult activity that is unknown to the general public.
For information on previous editions click here.