

We study nonlinear effects in semiconductor lasers from the fundamental and applied points of view. Our research includes both experimental and theoretical studies of those systems. Our research is mainly focused on the nonlinear behavior of semiconductor lasers, in particular when they are subject to light emitted by another laser (optical injection) or by the same laser (optical feedback). Our aim is to use these systems to perform high-speed signal processing.





Group Projects


Group Members 942 20 14 75UCNonlinear Dynamics;Photonics172ÁNGELVALLEGUTIÉRREZmailto: valle@ifca.unican.es942201465UCNonlinear Dynamics;Photonics83

 Group Publications of CMS detector and mechanical structures during Magnet Cycles and Stability Periods from 2008 to 2013 as observed by the Link Alignment System2016-03-21T00:00:00.0000000ZNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated EquipmentArce P.

  • Joint Centre with the combined effort of Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University of Cantabria (UC)

    Instituto de Física de Cantabria
    Edificio Juan Jordá
    Avenida de los Castros, s/n
    E-39005 Santander
    Cantabria, Spain

  • © IFCA- Institute of Physics of Cantabria