IFCA Maria de Maeztu program offers the following calls to attract international talent:
• [IFCA MdM Call]: Seven scholarships for introduction to research “JAE Intro ICU” and to follow one of the interuniversitary masters UC/UIMP.
Up to five scholarships to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos and up to two scholarships to follow the Master's Degree in Data Science in the 2022-2023 courses are offered (with a duration from 1st October 2022 to 28th February 2023). As part of the scholarship, the student will join one of the international research groups at IFCA carrying out a research project in a topic that she/he has to choose from those offered in a list. The application deadline is 15th June 2022. Call and instructions can be found at the CSIC JAE-Intro ICU web page.
See the list of offered research projects for the Master in Particle Physics and Physics of the Cosmos and for the Master in Data Science.
• [IFCA MdM Call]: Four scholarships for introduction to research “JAE Intro ICU 2021” and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos.
Up to four scholarships (with a duration from 1st October 2021 to 31st July 2022) for introduction to research and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos in the 2021-2022 course are offered. As part of the scholarship, the student will join one of the international research groups at IFCA carrying out a research project in a topic that she/he has to choose from those offered in a list. The application deadline is 9th July 2021. Call and instructions can be found at the CSIC JAE-Intro ICU web page and guidelines to the application process (in English) can be found here:
See the list of offered research topics and tutors.
• [IFCA MdM Call]: Two scholarships for introduction to research “JAE Intro ICU 2021” and to follow the Master’s Degree in Data Science.
Up to two scholarships (with a duration from 1st February to 30th June 2022) for introduction to research and to follow the Master’s Degree in Data Science in the 2021-2022 course are offered. As part of the scholarship, the student will join one of the international research groups at IFCA carrying out a research project in a topic that she/he has to choose from those offered in a list. The application deadline is 9th July 2021. Call and instructions can be found at the CSIC JAE-Intro ICU web page.
See the list of offered research topics and tutors.
• [[IFCA MdM Call]: Five Scholarships for introduction to research "JAE Intro SOMdM 2021, Centers of Excellence" and to follow the Master's Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos.
Up to 5 fellowships(from 1
st January to 31
st May 2022) with a total budget of 3000€ for introduction to research and to follow the
Master's Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos in the 2021-2022 course are offered
[Download a flyer of the Master Program]. As part of the fellowship, the student will join one of the international research groups at IFCA carrying out a research project in a topic that she/he has to choose from those offered in a list
. The
application deadline is 15th June 2021.
NOTE: We remark that application to this scholarship requires a proof of pre-registration or enrollment in the Master's Degree in Particle Physics and Physics of the Cosmos. This can be obtained by enrolling through any of the universities participating in the Master, either UC or UIMP. In case that the registration period is not open before the deadline, candidates can replace the required proof of enrollment with a document where they express their interest to enroll in the Master as soon as the period to make this inscription opens. The proof of pre-registration or enrollment must be sent once available (and as soon as possible) to mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es, even if this is after the June 15 deadline.
• [IFCA MdM Call]: Two scholarships for introduction to research “JAE Intro ICU 2020” and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos.
Up to 2 fellowships (from 1st October 2020 to 31st July 2021) with a total budget of 9250€ for introduction to research and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos in the 2020-2021 course are offered. As part of the fellowship, the student will join one of the international research groups at IFCA carrying out a research project in a topic that she/he has to choose from those offered in a list. The application deadline is 15th June 2020. More information can be found here.
•[IFCA MdM Call]: Five Scholarships for introduction to research “JAE Intro SOMdM 2020, Centers of Excellence” and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos.
Up to 5 fellowships (from 1st October 2020 to 28th February 2021) with a total budget of 3000€ for introduction to research and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos in the 2020-2021 course are offered [Download a flyer of the Master Program]. As part of the fellowship, the student will join one of the international research groups at IFCA carrying out a research project in a topic that she/he has to choose from those offered in a list. The application deadline is 15th June 2020. See the list of offered research topics and tutors.
• [IFCA MdM Call]: "La Caixa" Fellowship Programme INPHINIT 2020
"La Caixa" Fellowship Programme INPhINIT provides the possibility of developing top-class research studies in Centres of Excellence in Spain and Portugal, being IFCA, as a Unit of Excellence "Maria de Maeztu" one of the centres that could host such grants. The programme is open to young researchers of any nationality. The application deadline for the call is 4th February 2020.
• [IFCA MdM Call]: Postdoctoral and Science Engineering positions (application starts on 8th of April 2019)
Up to 7 Postdoctoral and Science Engineering positions on a number of fields (Particle Physic, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Computing Science, and Climate). The successful candidates will be contracted for up to 3 years with a gross annual salary in the range 34100-41600€, depending on experience. The positions include cover from the Spanish National Health System and additional funding for travelling and stays in other research centres. The starting date is negotiable. This call will be open until all positions are covered with a suitable candidate. A first deadline to review the applications received is set to 01/06/2019.
More info: Job vacancies at IFCA [Download the flyer here]
• [IFCA MdM Call]: Predoctoral positions (application starts on 8th of May 2019)
Up to 7 Predoctoral contracts on a number of fields (Particle Physic, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Computing Science, and Climate). The successful candidates will be contracted for up to 4 years with a gross annual salary in the range 16400-21300€, depending on qualifications. The positions include cover from the Spanish National Health System and additional funding for traveling and training. Four contracts will start in September-October 2019 and three by mid 2020. A first deadline to review the applications is 10/07/2019 and a second round will be announced later.
More info: Job vacancies at IFCA [Download the flyer here]
• [IFCA MdM Call]: Five Fellowships of introduction to research “JAE Intro SOMdM 2019, Centers of Excellence” and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos (application from 15th of May to 15th of June 2019)
Up to 5 ten-month fellowships (from 1st of October to 31st of July, 2020) with a total budget of 8000€ (plus 1000€ for Master costs and 150-600€ partial funding for installation costs) for introduction to research and to follow the Master’s Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos (UIMP-UC) in the 2019-2020 course are available. As part of the fellowship, the student will join one of the international research groups at IFCA carrying out a research project in a topic that she/he has to choose from those offered in a list. See the list of offered research topics and tutors. [Download a flyer (in Spanish)] [Download a flyer of the Master Program (in Spanish or English)]
IMPORTANT: Applications to this fellowship require a proof of enrollment, pre-inscription or inscription in the Master's Degree in Particle Physics and the Cosmos. This can be obtained by enrolling through any of the universities participating in the Master, either UC or UIMP. However, the deadline to enroll through UC will open on 24th June and through UIMP on 10th June. Therefore, candidates can replace the required proof of enrollment with a document where they express their interest to enroll the Master as soon as the period to make this inscription opens. The proof of pre-inscription or inscription must be sent once available (and as soon as possible) to the e-mail: mdmifca-info@ifca.unican.es, even if this is after the 15th June deadline.
More info: Call and instructions [PDF English] [PDF Spanish]